
Roasted Marshmallows and Relationships

Talking to people about your past relationships is always a weird thing. If you talk about it with someone you have just met, they think you are just stuck in the past. If you talk about it with someone you are currently dating you always expose yourself and get to a point where you either make them jealous (and in that case, you should probably get out of this relationship) or you earn their trust for being open. One way or the other as weird or risky as it might sound, it is really important to talk about it. You learn from every relationship no matter if it is good or bad. The funniest thing is when after years of being in love with someone but somehow never end up at the same place to be together you have a chance to talk. And surprisingly discover, that you have a very similar point of view, relationships considering. Might be because we have shared a lot together. Wait. That is not quite the truth. We never really talked, not even about normal things, even less about how we
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